Plenary Speakers

Meredith Howard (Tuesday, 11/5/19, 11AM-12:45PM) - Environmental Program Manager at Central Valley (CA) Regional Water Quality Control Board; Meredith Howard works with water quality regulatory agencies (federal, state, and local), California Tribes, and the scientific community to develop mitigation and management strategies for both marine and freshwater HABs. Her research focuses on the transport of cyanotoxins across the freshwater-to-marine continuum and the improvement of monitoring tools that can address the challenges of monitoring interconnected waterbodies and watersheds. These systems typically traverse multiple management boundaries and state and country jurisdictions, therefore her goal is the development of HAB monitoring and management strategies that can be applied cohesively across the freshwater-to-marine continuum.

Stephanie Moore (Wednesday, 11/6/19, 12:45-2PM) - Research Oceanographer at NOAA's Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Stephanie Moore works with coastal communities to build resilience to HABs by providing early warning of toxic blooms and identifying risk reduction strategies for fishery-dependent communities - many of which face significant social and environmental health challenges that are expected to worsen as a result of climate change. She uses high resolution climate and weather information as well as data generated by robotic biosensors to gain a predictive understanding of HABs and their interaction with the marine environment.

Morgan Steffen (Monday, 11/4/19, 12:45-2PM) - Assistant Professor at James Madison University; Morgan Steffen uses a systems biology approach to examine microbial interactions and nutrient cycling in freshwater cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms in systems such as Lake Erie and Taihu. 

Speakers 2019 US HAB

Conference Schedule

US HABs Schedule Sunday
US HABs Schedule Monday
US HABs Schedule Tuesday
US HABs Schedule Wednesday
US HABs Schedule Thursday
US HABs Schedule Friday


We currently have five workshops scheduled on Sunday, 3 November 2019 See full day schedule of workshopsPlease pay for the workshops by 15 October 2019 using the link below.  Feel free to reach out to each workshop contact person if you have questions about each event. 

Register for a Workshop

(1) Thinking outside the box:  Career options and strategies for new graduates and early career scientists; Time: 4:00pm-5:45pm; Conveners: Panel of scientists with various backgrounds and perspectives, reach out to Alan Wilson ( with questions; Cost per participant: FREE; Limited to 30 graduate and undergraduate students and postdocs.

(2) Communicating HAB Science; Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm; Conveners: Mindy Richlen (, Tim Davis, and Holly Bowers; Cost per participant: FREE; FULL - This workshop has exceeded the 30 participants maximum.  Additional registrants will be put on the waitlist; Description: This two-hour panel discussion is open to HAB researchers at all levels who are interested in learning more about communicating their research to non-scientific audiences, including the general public, policy makers, and journalists. Panelists will include HAB scientists that are actively engaged in communicating with diverse audiences, and topics will include public communication during bloom events, leveraging social media, translating scientific findings for non-technical audiences, and engaging policy makers and reporters. Please join us for a discussion with your peers of the complexities and challenges of science communication!

(3) The theory and process of running the CyanoDTec and DinoDTec assays to detect toxic cyanobacteria or dinoflagellates, respectively; Time: 8:00am-4:00pm; Conveners: Mark Van Asten ( from Diagnostic Technology; Cost per participant: $50 (tentative); Limited to 18 current participants; Description: Over the day we will host 2 sessions on the use and development of qPCR techniques for the monitoring and detecting of cyanobacteria and PSP producing dinoflagellates. In the morning session (8am-12pm) the workshop will discuss the design, objectives and scope of the CyanoDTec cyanobacteria multiplex assay, with a hands experience with setting up a standard curve and running samples, while in the afternoon session (1-4pm) will be focused on the PSP Dinoflagellate assay, DinoDTec. In both sessions there will be discussion about the use of qPCR for the monitoring of HABS, how it can be integrated into monitoring with existing methods to enhance prediction and management of HAB events. Participants can register for either or both events.

(4) Imaging FlowCytobot; Time: 8:30am-4:30pm; Conveners: Lisa Campbell (, D. Henrichs (Texas AM University);  Ivory Engstrom, Vinnie Ferreira (McLane Research Labs); Cost per participant: $50; Lunch included!; Limited to 20 current users, open to IFCB users of all levels; Workshop goals:  Discuss the recent updates to IFCB and issues with working with the IFCB. 

(5) Marine and freshwater phytoplankton identification; Time: 9:00am-12:00pm; Conveners: Alan Wilson ( and Alison Robertson; Cost per participant: FREE; FULL - This workshop has exceeded the 20 participants maximum.  Additional registrants will be put on the waitlist; Participant are encouraged to bring cultures and natural samples. 

Register for a Workshop

Sunday Schedule
Sunday Schedule


Our conference program is now available!

The abstract book is available!

Our abstract deadline has passed.  We received 222 abstracts, including 125 oral presentations, 80 posters, and 17 speed talks + posters.  We are reviewing abstracts now and hope to connect with presenters soon about the status of their submission.

Each oral presenter shall be entitled to no more than 12 minutes for a presentation plus 3 additional minutes for questions (15 minutes total presentation time).  Oral presentations should use PowerPoint (widescreen 16:9 format).  Slides, overhead projectors, and video players will not be available or allowed.  Poster maximum dimensions: 30" x 40".

All presenters are required to pay their own registration, accommodation, and travel expenses.  The symposium organizers cannot subsidize registration fees, travel, or hotel costs.



Perdido Beach Resort